Category Archives: World Mysteries

Are all ‘Big Four’ sports leagues/teams working together?

Here is a great article from the fix is in about how all the sports teams work together.  It is quite in depth and really does prove some points.

The Undeniable Truth as it Relates to Professional Sports

Doing what it is I do, I find myself in many arguments concerning the true nature of professional sports. Perhaps you find yourself in similar situations as well. If that’s the case — or if you think there is no possible way the professional sports leagues could manipulate, script or outright rig the results of one of their own games — then the following five facts are for you.

1.  The “Big Four” professional sports leagues – the National Football League (NFL), Major League Baseball (MLB), National Basketball Association (NBA), and National Hockey League (NHL) – possess drafts, anti-trust exemptions and revenue sharing. If the teams within these leagues were truly independent entities, none of this would exist as its flies in the face of the free market companies they purport to be.

Football NFL
Football teams are all working together to fix the games. Here is the proof.

The NFL shares 70 to 75 percent of its $10+ billion-a-year income including television/broadcast/internet rights and licensing. Ticket sales are split 66 percent for the home team and the other 34 percent shared equally among all franchises. Only luxury boxes sales (which explains the “need” for new stadiums), local advertising & sponsorships, and official pro shop sales are not shared. No other league shares as much of its income as the NFL.

While also sharing its national TV & internet income, the NBA agreed to a new revenue sharing plan which began with the 2013-14 season. The radical new change in this plan will be that all teams will put 50 percent of its total revenue (minus a few allowable expenses) into a pool. After averaging the total contributed by all teams as well as every team’s total payroll, the lowest contributing teams will be able to take out their “fair” share. This will redistribute approximately $140 million within the NBA each season. The most a team could receive under this plan is $16 million. There are limits in place to protect the NBA’s highest revenue teams — including the Boston Celtics, Chicago Bulls, Los Angeles Lakers, New York Knicks, and Orlando Magic — as prior to the 2011-12 lockout, reportedly only 10 NBA teams were profitable, earning a combined $150 million in the 2010-11 season.

NHL - Ice hockey - do they fix the games outcomes.
NHL – Ice hockey – do they fix the games outcomes.

The NHL was the last league to implement a revenue sharing plan. The one it currently possesses is extremely complex. The gist of it is the top 10 money-making teams contribute to a pool from which the bottom 15 teams can collect; however, certain guidelines and benchmarks must first be met before any money can be received. Also, teams in markets with more than 2.5 million television households do not qualify for assistance in this program, meaning the New York Rangers, New York Islanders, Chicago Blackhawks, Los Angeles Kings, Dallas Stars, New Jersey Devils, Philadelphia Flyers, Anaheim Ducks, and San Jose Sharks can only contribute, not receive.

MLB | Baseball games.
MLB | Baseball games.

Major League Baseball’s plan originally saw each team contribute 31 percent of its local revenue into a pot which was then divided equally amongst the franchises. At the same time, lower-revenue generating teams were granted a larger proportional share of the league’s national TV deal. However, MLB’s plan recently changed as well, if only slightly, to monitor what teams are doing with that revenue-sharing money they receive — meaning it must go towards “improving” the team. Supposedly by 2016, 15 teams will not be eligible for any of this money: New York Yankees, New York Mets, Los Angeles Dodgers, Anaheim Angels, Chicago Cubs, Chicago White Sox, Philadelphia Phillies, Boston Red Sox, Texas Rangers, Atlanta Braves, Washington Nationals, Toronto Blue Jays, Houston Astros, San Francisco Giants and Oakland A’s.

Just so you’re aware, these four leagues generated $21.6 billion in revenue in 2009-10. Of that, $9.7 billion went to their respective athletes. As of 2014, the four leagues’ revenue topped $25 billion.

Sports is just a business.
Sports is just a part of the entertainment business.

2.  While we call these leagues “sports,” they are in fact businesses. Their business is entertainment. The NFL, for one, has actually argued this fact before the Supreme Court as recently as 2010. Being “entertainment,” the leagues are legally entitled to do what is needed to entertain their audience, such as the creation and promotion of certain “storylines.” Despite arguments to the contrary, this makes the NFL, MLB, NBA, and NHL on par with Roller Derby and Professional Wrestling.

3.  The ticket you purchase to a sporting event reflects this notion of sports being simply entertainment. The “Spygate” lawsuit proves this. In this lawsuit, a New York Jets fan sued the New England Patriots for illegally (by NFL rules) videotaping their opponents’ coaching signals. The lawsuit asked for the Jets ticket holders’ money back in 10 years worth of games — the duration of the Patriots “cheating” via this videotaping.

While you can read the U.S. Appeals Court’s complete ruling in this case here, Senior Judge Robert E. Cowen’s main conclusion was this: “At best, he [Carl Mayer, the plaintive] possessed nothing more than a contractual right to a seat from which to watch an NFL game between the Jets and the Patriots, and this right was clearly honored….Mayer possessed either a license or, at best, a contractual right to enter Giants Stadium and to have a seat from which to watch a professional football game. In the clear language of the ticket stub, ‘[t]his ticket only grants entry into the stadium and a spectator seat for the specified NFL game.’ Mayer actually was allowed to enter the stadium and witnessed the ‘specified NFL game[s]’ between the Jets and Patriots. He thereby suffered no cognizable injury to a legally protected right or interest.”

Cowen concluded, “We do not condone the conduct on the part of the Patriots and the team’s head coach, and we likewise refrain from assessing whether the NFL’s sanctions (and its alleged destruction of the videotapes themselves) were otherwise appropriate. We further recognize that professional football, like other professional sports, is a multi-billion dollar business. In turn, ticket-holders and other fans may have legitimate issues with the manner in which they are treated….Significantly, our ruling also does not leave Mayer and other ticket-holders without any recourse. Instead, fans could speak out against the Patriots, their coach, and the NFL itself. In fact, they could even go so far as to refuse to purchase tickets or NFL-related merchandise….However, the one thing they cannot do is bring a legal action in a court of law. [emphasis in original].”

If that is the best protection a ticket provides a fan, do you honestly believe watching a game on television grants one more legal protection?

4.  There is no law preventing a league from fixing its own contest. The two closest federal laws on the books are these:

The “Quiz Show” law which was passed after it was revealed that television networks had been fixing the outcome of nationally televised game shows including Twenty-One and the $64,000 Challenge. The law reads: “(a) Influencing, prearranging, or predetermining outcome
It shall be unlawful for any person, with intent to deceive the listening or viewing public—

(1) To supply to any contestant in a purportedly bona fide contest of intellectual knowledge or intellectual skill any special and secret assistance whereby the outcome of such contest will be in whole or in part prearranged or predetermined.

(2) By means of persuasion, bribery, intimidation, or otherwise, to induce or cause any contestant in a purportedly bona fide contest of intellectual knowledge or intellectual skill to refrain in any manner from using or displaying his knowledge or skill in such contest, whereby the outcome thereof will be in whole or in part prearranged or predetermined.

(3) To engage in any artifice or scheme for the purpose of prearranging or predetermining in whole or in part the outcome of a purportedly bona fide contest of intellectual knowledge, intellectual skill, or chance.

(4) To produce or participate in the production for broadcasting of, to broadcast or participate in the broadcasting of, to offer to a licensee for broadcasting, or to sponsor, any radio program, knowing or having reasonable ground for believing that, in connection with a purportedly bona fide contest of intellectual knowledge, intellectual skill, or chance constituting any part of such program, any person has done or is going to do any act or thing referred to in paragraph (1), (2), or (3) of this subsection.

(5) To conspire with any other person or persons to do any act or thing prohibited by paragraph (1), (2), (3), or (4) of this subsection, if one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of such conspiracy.”

* Note the repeated use of the word “intellectual” — not physical. Therefore, this law does not apply to sports.

The Sports Bribery Act of 1964 which was passed to protect the “integrity” of sports from mafia and gambling interests. It reads: “Whoever carries into effect, attempts to carry into effect, or conspires with any other person to carry into effect any scheme in commerce to influence, in any way, by bribery any sporting contest, with knowledge that the purpose of such scheme is to influence by bribery that contest, shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.”

The key word in this law being “bribery.” If a league instructs one of its employees — be it an official, coach or athlete — to influence and/or manipulate an outcome in a certain manner, such action does not break this law.

No one has been arrested for violating the Sports Bribery Act in relation to a professional sporting event — ever.

5.  It is legal for the media to lie to us all. Not just in the realm of sports, but in every aspect of journalism and mass media. Don’t believe me? Read this.

Then go on to realize that the New York Times recently admitted that it — and virtually every major media outlet — allows the government to censor its work. The jaw-dropping article/admission can be found here (the full piece is embedded within the linked article).

If this can occur, do you honestly believe that ESPN/ABC/Disney, CBS, FOX, NBC/Universal and Time Warner (which owns TBS, TNT and Sports Illustrated) report truly and accurately on the professional sports world which they fund?

Four of these five mass media conglomerates give the NFL alone $6 billion a season. Are they then going to turn around and investigation any improprieties within the league that threatens those investments? Especially when they are able to legally lie to their consumers while censoring the work of individuals who may be committed to reporting the truth?

As Karl Taro Greenfeld recent wrote in Businessweek, “In a real sense, ESPN no longer covers sports. It controls sports.”

With all of this being true, what then is preventing a league — or all of the leagues — from fixing the outcome of their own games to maximize profit and revenue which is the very reason why they put on these exhibitions?

The short answer is obvious: Nothing.

Nobody is Extinct! by Deb Huglin

“No one is extinct, nothing is lost, there was no great migration.”

Information about extinction by Deb Huglin

Repatriation Archaeologist for the Wolf Clan of the Chahta
Chief Archaeologist, Mississippian Culture organization

Mississippian map
Map of the Mississippian cultures.
'It is some pretty deep stuff but it bears some reading and introspection!  I have started you off with a sentence, then a paragraph, then, hold on to your seat!  Great stuff, Deb!  Thanks.' ~admin

We are a part of a non-profit Mississippian Culture Organization, which was recently developed to facilitate the stance of the 21stc century:
Nobody is extinct.
Nothing is lost.
There was no "great Migration.”
People lived everywhere and traveled everywhere.
Horses came from Turtle Island and never went extinct (Spanish mercenary mythos there.) People went from the Americas the OTHER WAY with the herds as they cross the land bridge to populate everywhere from South Africa (zebras) to the British Isles (Shetland ponies). All equine animals originated on the North American continent when it was an Island.

Great urban centers arose from the Atlantic to Arkansas and Oklahoma - Ocmulgee, Etowah, Cahokia, Moundville, Spiro, and others. Within these urban enclaves rose earthen mounds the likes of which had never been seen before.
Great urban centers arose from the Atlantic to Arkansas and Oklahoma – Ocmulgee, Etowah, Cahokia, Moundville, Spiro, and others. Within these urban enclaves rose earthen mounds the likes of which had never been seen before.

American Indians have never become extinct, nothing is lost, Pleistocene habitation of the Americas was commonplace; nobody needs to fantasize about the American past, just ask.

The American Indians and Paleoindians have never become extinct. In addition, there was no “great migration” from another continent. Nobody is extinct, nothing is lost. The use of such misinformation in education, and especially generated in post-secondary institution divisions has been primarily to facilitate displacement and genocide of indigenous Americans for the economic gain of non-indigenous peoples interested in “invading” the Americas. This genocidal and displacement stance has also effected the history and archaeology of the Americas. Until the Maya finally started their anti-extinction campaign to stop the widespread rape of Ancestral places via “excavation & research” by non-Maya populations a few years ago, one could hear how the Maya “were” this or that, as though they weren’t standing right there. Like all the other American indigenous populations, the Maya need phone numbers and street addresses, just like the rest of contemporary peoples of this time. They, and the rest of the American indigenous or American Indian population are simply not conveniently extinct, sorry. Same goes for the “mysterious” past of the Americas. It is only a mystery to those who don’t bother to listen to the rich histories of the indigenous Americans. The Mississippian Culture Organization has been created to address the re-emergence of American oral and inscripted traditions, sciences and record keeping of the habitation of the Americas far back into the Pleistocene. The days of the clovis gang-bangers trying to talk the American Indians off the continent for the convenience of the genocidal practices of governments and special interest groups is over. Why don’t you just ask the Tribal group that lived in the areas you are interested in before you start fantasizing about what went on there?

Mississippian tradition was for immense, flat-topped "pyramids, " or earthen platform mounds.
Mississippian tradition was for immense, flat-topped “pyramids, ” or earthen platform mounds.

Over the past decade there has been a push by the indigenous and interested population of the Americas to do what the Scots and Irish have been doing to stop the 500 years of genocide and suppression of their true and rich history and culture. Part of the problem with "mystification" of some of the historic oral and inscripted events and curiosities of the Americas from prior to the invasion 500 years ago is that the genocide against indigenous Americans included dehumanization. These tactics, like those used against the Scots and Irish for ethnic, religious and creating other forms of intolerance;  were strictly to facilitate displacement and even murder for economic gain in the form of land, mining or other possessions.

Despite the attempted “extinction” of indigenous Peoples and cultures in the Americas, despite the kidnapping and indoctrination of the indigenous population in the form of “education,” despite the indoctrination of the invasionist and descendent population being indoctrinated to facilitate further displacement and dehumanizing cultural genocide against indigenous Americans; the rich oral and inscripted traditions and the archaeological and paleontological evidence of the “mythos” of the Americas abounds.

Perhaps breaking the stranglehold that clovis gang-bangers and the post-secondary institutions and university presses has developed on what is real and what is out there will help to alleviate most of the suppressed information on the mysterious subjects included in your comprehensive lists. Unless the indigenous population of one place or another was severely treated and tortured into believing foreign religion teachings and turning a blind eye to their own relatives, culture and heritage, everybody still remembers everything from genealogy to politics to the giant animals of the Pleistocene as everyone has always lived on the American continents as far back as people go. Isolation of cultures and ethnic groups only occurs when the glaciers melt, and we are slogging through one of those periods right now. The Mississippian Chahta (that’s Choctaw for those who follow Dan’l Boone and the chewing up of American languages,) inhabited an area of the Americas from Canada to Peru (Chachapoya are southern Choctaw,) and from just west of the Four Corners to the Atl-Andes Ocean (Atlantic). The Quechan of the Colorado River basin near Yuma are the northern most group of the Quichan of the high Bolivian and Peruvian Plains (likely some more of the Atl-Andeans). These languages and their inscriptions are not lost, nor is the “rockart” inscriptions that go back far into the Pleistocene habitation of the Americas.

You will find that once you are recognized as not participating in the clovis gang-banging and suppression of archaeological and oral histories, that there is no problem finding out about the Hawk Men, the waterbabies, the Star People visiting (or warring like the Ute warrior holding a Star guy’s chopped off head in a canyon in Utah depicts. He won with a lithic tool against high technology…), Shape shifting, and a plethora of other things that have been pooh poohed as myths and legend by the proto-Victorian post-secondary education cults. Considering they are the ones who had mummies of people who were not their relatives as curios in the parlor, disrespecting every moral and ethical nuance of civilization, they aren’t exactly the people who should ever have had control over publishing and research.

Chromesun Kincaid Site of the Mississippian Culture.
Chromesun Kincaid Site of the Mississippian Culture.

The Paiute clearly remember the giants who had red hair and a preference for eating Paiute children after tenderizing them in a giant basket with a spike in the bottom of it to hold them flailing until they drained. After looking at ancient inscriptions on rock walls where the Paiutes lives and seeing clear records of little Paiutes running away from the lumbering chunky giants two or three times their size, and hearing stories about exact locations where giant attacks or strongholds were avoided by the smaller inhabitants, it is clear that the Pleistocene near Los Vegas wasn’t any safer than it is today in the way of one guy preying on another. The Paiutes thought it was funny when the giant cowboy neon sign went up out on the old “strip” where real creepy redheaded giants roamed not too far in the distant past.

As for the fantasy of invasionists having “higher” or “better” technology, nope. One of the biggest myths created during the “expansion” period created by a desire for economic gain of non-indigenous Americans: the iron pot wasn’t all that much better than baskets and pots to cook in, especially since it was heavy and had to be carried. That would never have been an important point of trading but for the fact it was made of Star Metal. Over the generations the gifts from the Sky People (which could mean meteorites or be literally gifts from Star People) included iron. It was considered a Sacred material and was highly prized by the American people. It is unlikely that anyone was aware that the invaders didn’t have a clue it was Sacred and that it was desired because of it’s healing and gift properties rather than the assumed technological advance that it signified to non-indigenous Americans of that time.

We are a part of a non-profit Mississippian Culture Organization, which was recently developed to facilitate the stance of the 21stc century:
Nobody is extinct.
Nothing is lost.
There was no “great Migration.”
People lived everywhere and traveled everywhere.
Horses came from Turtle Island and never went extinct (Spanish mercenary mythos there.) People went from the Americas the OTHER WAY with the herds as they cross the land bridge to populate everywhere from South Africa (zebras) to the British Isles (Shetland ponies). All equine animals originated on the North American continent when it was an Island.

More from and about Deb at

Let’s another look at our featured image in detail…

The site of a sprawling pre-Columbian civilization, Cahokia is infamous for its mystery and relative obscurity.
The site of a sprawling pre-Columbian civilization, Cahokia is infamous for its mystery and relative obscurity.

The mounds of Cahokia! The site of a sprawling pre-Columbian civilization, Cahokia is infamous for its mystery and relative obscurity. Not really fitting the narrative of what many historians have believed for a long time, this site defies conceptions of early American life and serves as a compelling reminder of how little we know of past cultures, or what all has been brushed under the rug.

more about it here!


Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance Solved?

Lockheed Model 10 Electra
Amelia Earhart with arms spread in front of her plane, ca. February 12, 1937. (Photo: George Palmer Putnam Collection of Amelia Earhart Papers, Courtesy of Purdue University Libraries, Karnes Archives and Special Collections.)

It seems like a piece of the legendary lost pilot’s plane has possibly been identified, leading some researchers that much closer to finally unraveling the mystery of her last few days.

One of history’s biggest mysteries may be one step closer to being solved. Researchers at The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery (TIGHAR) suggest that an aluminum fragment from aviatrix Amelia Earhart’s missing aircraft may have been identified.

The 19-inch by 23-inch-long piece of metal — which was found on Nikumaroro, an atoll in the southwestern Pacific republic of Kiribati, in a 1991 recovery operation — is believed to have been installed as a patch on Earhart’s Lockheed Electra plane during a stopover in Miami.

The Lockheed Model 10 Electra is most famous as the aircraft that Amelia Earhart flew on her attempted around-the-world flight in 1937.
Amelia Mary Earhart was an American aviation pioneer and author. Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.

“The Miami Patch was an expedient field repair,” Ric Gillespie, executive director of TIGHAR (The International Group for Historic Aircraft Recovery), told Discovery News. “Its complex fingerprint of dimensions, proportions, materials and rivet patterns was as unique to Earhart’s Electra as a fingerprint is to an individual.”

The legendary “Lady Lindy,” as she was nicknamed after her male counterpart Charles Lindbergh, famously became the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean in 1928, as well as the first person to fly over both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. However, her legend took a haunting turn on July 2, 1937, when her plane vanished over the Pacific Ocean while attempting to fly around the world at the equator.

Over the years various clues have emerged in an attempt to piece together Earhart’s last days including the discovery of possible artifacts such as clothing, tools and even anti-freckle cream. However, this is the first time evidence recovered from Nikumaroro has been directly linked to Earhart’s plane. This discovery could support the theory that Earhart and her co-pilot Fred Noonan did not crash in the Pacific Ocean, but landed on the atoll and spent the rest of their days as castaways.

TIGHAR is currently raising funds to travel to Nikumaroro to continue their investigations in hopes of finally solving the 77-year-old mystery.

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Amelia Earhart Found? The Search Continues

Amelia Earhart: American Aviatrix

 Amelia Mary Earhart (/ˈɛərhɑrt/; July 24, 1897 – disappeared July 2, 1937) was an American aviation pioneer and author. Earhart was the first female aviator to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.She received the U.S. Distinguished Flying Cross for this record. She set many other records, wrote best-selling books about her flying experiences and was instrumental in the formation of The Ninety-Nines, an organization for female pilots. Earhart joined the faculty of the Purdue University aviation department in 1935 as a visiting faculty member to counsel women on careers and help inspire others with her love for aviation. She was also a member of the National Woman’s Party, and an early supporter of the Equal Rights Amendment.

During an attempt to make a circumnavigational flight of the globe in 1937 in a Purdue-funded Lockheed Model 10 Electra, Earhart disappeared over the central Pacific Ocean near Howland Island. Fascination with her life, career and disappearance continues to this day.

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