Have you read the theory from Christopher Dunn about the Great Pyramid on the Giza Plateau being first used as a power plant? Dunn is a master craftsman and an engineer and has long argued that ancient Egyptians had used far advanced power tools in their intricate cutting and working of granite and other hard stone. This has led him to contemplate, at length, the source of the energy required by the these power tools, and to ultimately propose that the Great Pyramid of Giza was the power plant at the center of an ancient, hi-tech national power grid!
Dunn’s initial book The Giza Power Plant was published in 1998 by Inner Traditions – Bear & Company. In it, Dunn argues that based on his measurements of Egyptian monuments, ancient stone cutting achieved a high-precision accuracy surpassing modern accuracy standards in building.
Dunn has published many magazine articles on his hypotheses concerning ancient technology, including an August 1984 article “Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt” in Analog Science Fiction and Fact magazine.
Dunn wrote the foreword to Edward F. Malkowski’s 2007 publication The Spiritual Technology of Ancient Egypt: Sacred Science and the Mystery of Consciousness.
He also produced the DVD documentaries The Giza Power Plant and Ancient Wisdom: Christopher Dunn: Ancient Power Plants And Advanced Technology: Egypt In The New Millennium.
In 2010 Dunn’s second book “Lost Technologies of Ancient Egypt: Advanced Engineering in the Temples of the Pharaohs” was published (Bear & Company). In it Dunn documents repeatable precision three-dimensional machining, sometimes highly symmetrical, on the oversized statues in Egyptian temples similar in nature – and all but identical – with such machining as is capable of being made on modern computer controlled machining centers (CNCs). Dunn stops short of drawing conclusions of how such precision was accomplished, arguing only that it happened.

“Dunn’s pyramid odyssey began in 1977 when he read Peter Tompkins’ book Secrets of the Great Pyramid. His immediate reaction to the Giza Pyramid’s schematics was that this edifice was a gigantic machine.
Discovering the purpose of this machine involved a process of reverse engineering that has taken over 24 years of research.
In the process he has published over a dozen magazine articles, including the much quoted “Advanced Machining in Ancient Egypt” in Analog, August 1984. He has had his research referenced in a dozen books by various popular authors of alternative history.
Chris has also appeared on the Discovery Channel, Travel Channel, Pax Television and Lifetime Television discussing aspects of his book. One aspect, in particular, is the incredible work of Edward Leedskalnin who built Coral Castle . Another is the precision of ancient Egyptian granite artifacts, which Chris believes is the smoking gun evident of civilization existing in prehistory that is more advanced than previously believed.”
Great Pyramid Power Plant
Though the power plant theory may explain every characteristic and noted phenomena found within the Great Pyramid, without actually replicating its function (way beyond my own personal resources) it could be ignored or dismissed as being too fantastic by those who feel more secure with conventional views of prehistory.