
New Oak Island Research and ancient engineering in the America’s

The Oak Island Shafts and Tunnels are not that new to the North American Culture, ancient artifacts found in the Midwest turned up new information that can answer questions who engineered the shafts and tunnels on Oak Island?

Oak Island Money pit was described to be about at a hundred-foot level in depth to a rectangle stone believed to have inscriptions, beneath it a shaft tunnel to the beach area.

I have recently made a new Oak Island theory discovery, that a North American culture had the capabilities to engineer shaft and tunnels long before the money pit was ever thought of.  This ancient culture was as mysterious and as unknown as the builders of the money pit.  They had knowledge of shafts and tunnels, very similar to the money pit's shafts and tunnels, the same distance in depth with a bottom exit tunnel to the surface. This unknown culture has many produced artifacts of writing, descriptive art and religion similar to today’s cultures.

Diagram of Ancient tunnel
This sketch is from Gales Rhoades Journal this one and the one above.
This engineering diagram has a shaft of the depth of a hundred feet similar to the money pits shafts depth to the Inscribed stone or to the Smith coves Tunnel and Cave? Money Pit Diagram

Image from the Soper Savage Collection
Image from the Soper Savage Collection from Midwest North America, sun and eye similar to the freemason

Freemason sun and moon similar to the Image from the Soper Savage Collection

I have worked very hard on this Oak Island mystery to bring forward to everyone the latest research developments and my findings at my own expense and time. I have a amazing gift of wisdom and I am using it to unravel one of the world’s most fascinating unsolved mysteries. Please keep in mind my research is not intended for people to be excessively over opinionated, obsessively against or judged maliciously publicly, it is for people interested in Canadian heritage and culture.
Please go to Ancient Treasure Hunter for more information - Steve Shaffers' website, he is well aware of me.


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