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Mystery. All the world's myths, mysteries and ancient history."
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Minimal and Max. Please choose:
Text Link (you copy and paste directly to FrontPage)
html (copy & paste*)
Myth and Mystery
- All the world's myths, mysteries and ancient history!
<b><a href="">Myth
and Mystery</a></b>
- All the world's myths, mysteries and ancient history!
Myth and Mystery
- All the world's myths, mysteries & Earth's ancient history. UFOs, Bigfoot,
Loch Ness, Lost Civilizations, ghosts, conspiracy theories, Freemason info,
Magic, Bermuda Triangle...
<b><a href="">Myth
and Mystery</a></b>
- All the world's myths, mysteries & earth's ancient history. UFOs,
Loch Ness, Lost Civilizations, ghosts, conspiracy theories, Freemason info,
Bermuda Triangle...
<div align="center"><center><table
border="1" cellspacing="1" style="border-collapse: collapse" width="125"
bgcolor="#000000"><tr><td width="125" align="center" style="border-style:
solid; border-width: 1"><p align="center"><b><font color="#1894C0">
<a href=""><font color="#FFFF00">Myth&Mystery</font></a></font></b><p><a
href=""><font color="#1894C0"><img
border="0" src="" alt="Click here
for the Myth and Mystery homepage!" width="40" height="40"></font></a><p
align="center"><font color="#1894C0"><a href=""><b><font
color="#FFFF00">Home Page!</font></b></a></font></td></tr></table></center></div>
* You may have to paste the html into a simple text editor
first. Sometimes more html is copied than you need and a simple text
editor (notepad) somehow removes the unneeded stuff. Then, just copy again
from notepad and paste into your html editor (frontpage, dreamweaver...)
Thanks again.